What we are still allowed to do starting April

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The Corona numbers rise and rise, the Austrian government reacts with an “Easter rest” for the eastern region. This means a kind of hard short lockdown for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland. From April 1 applies here: Hard curfew around the clock with the few known exceptions, stores except for those to cover the necessary necessities of life will be closed, FFP2 obligation comes in the office, in indoor spaces with more than one person and outdoors with crowds and there are strict entry controls.

Gastro opening is canceled, hotels and restaurants are closed, even the Schanigärten remain closed. What applies to the whole of Austria: If a district reaches the incidence of 400, tailored measures are set between the respective province and the Ministry of Health. After the Easter vacations, schools will remain in Distance Learning for a week, PCR testing of children and teachers is planned to be stepped up at the start of the school year. School closures are to occur for 7-day incidences of 400 or more, but kindergartens will be open.

After April 6, entry tests are planned for retailers – only those with a negative test result will be allowed to go shopping. However, the necessary ordinance is still pending – as well as the regulation, how it actually looks with Easter visits to relatives. The “Easter Truce” should, although it does not come into force until April 1, already be observed with immediate effect, appeals Health Minister Rudi Anschober: “Let’s not wait for it, but start the Easter Truce with our actions throughout Austria already now. We are all part of the solution!”

He also sets new rules of conduct: Let’s refrain from traveling during the Easter holidays! Let’s reduce our contacts to the bare minimum from now on (only urgently needed purchases and visits, home office wherever possible)! What it is absolutely necessary, we do with the best possible protection: minimum distance, FFP2 mask and testing,” said the Minister of Health. It is unclear whether the other federal states will not also be sent into “Easter rest” – recently the traffic light commission had expressly demanded this due to the high incidence figures in the country.

  • source: heute.at/picture: pixabay.com

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